NEXT Project

Digital Transformations for Supporting Next-Generation Labour

Pillars of the project

Educational setting

Learning resources for ‘digital’ education

Technological background

Learning environment: digital and in-person

Virtual background

Students’ virtual collaboration work

The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.

News and Events

The Kick-off meeting

On November 27, 2023, the Kick-off meeting of the NEXT project consortium was held in a hybrid form. The meeting took place in Bratislava, at...
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The project has started

The project NEXT - Digital Transformations for Supporting Next-Generation Labour has started on November 1, 2023. The duration of the project is 36 months. It...
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Objectives of the project

🟣 introducing extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalisation’s legal aspects to students;

🟣 training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;

🟣 developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;

🟣 enhancing students’ teamwork as well as improving their digital skills through carrying out student projects contest;

🟣 establishing advanced multimedia laboratories in Ukrainian universities, which will support informal studies by providing an opportunity of gaining practical experience.


Associated partners